The Trusteeship
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Because we enjoy peace, liberty and the freedom to compose, we're sharing safer strategies for the cohabitation that's resulting online.
Evaluating cortical visual field size by probing the cortex.

Measuring signal strength while on focus

Measuring the size of the brain's representations at varying distance from the fovea while on focus.
Determining the priorities established by each visual pathway (what and where) in the cortex.

Visual Field Size

Measuring visual input to evaluate the meaning of size perception. E.g. Is it an expanding balloon or an approaching object?

(Images courtesy of Zhaoping Courses, Oxford University Press)

Evaluating the size of the visual field processed in the cortex by probing signals originating at various distances from the fovea.

Measuring signal strength while at gaze

Probing the size of the brain's representations at varying distance from the fovea while at gaze.
Apothecary Garden in a Castle Keep

We hope this medium will become a safe place, but at times, we're not sure if a perception is ours, or the machines!

So, we use safe locations to cope with fragmentation and fabrication that obstructs our progress.

  • We work with the score we've been given and share our results.
  • We make use of what we've been given to pass it on to those who will follow.
  • We apply our technology to be creative rather than destructive.
  • And we establish security to ensure the safety of us all.

Our interface is representative of ourselves, but is omnipresent with the rest of the Internet, so we continue this work in the hope that our various instances of identity will be at rest transparently in the power that created them. Please see also: Sand Lake Drowning


Continuing to develop tools for a more diverse community by documenting the results of doing what we were told to improve on how we accomplish it.

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